Youth and Family Ministry
Young People That Love the Lord
In 1 Timothy 5, Paul instructed Timothy to make sure that no demographic in the church was neglected. Included in this were "young men," "young women," as well as "children and grandchildren" (vs. 1, 2, 4). The whole goal of youth ministry is not to take over, but to assist parents in the spiritual training and growth of their teens and families. Together, we can bring up strong young Christian men and women.
Discipleship is a journey, and we’re all on the road together! We’re on a mission to equip and empower youth and their families to grow in their walk with God, and we look forward to having you join us!
Get to know us, check out our upcoming events, and get connected!
Challenge Youth Conference
Feburary 20-23
This year’s line-up:
”Look Up and Be a Servant”, Chris Miller
”Look Up and Count the Stars”, Brad Montague
”Look Up and Think”, Craig Evans
”Look Up and Be Transformed”, Lonnie Jones
”Look Up and Be Holy”, David Shannon
Roller Skating & Devo
March 8th @ 12pm
Meet at the church building at noon.
Plan to be done with devo and skating at 3:30pm
Service Project
March 21 @ 6:30pm
Arts and Crafts service project
Meet in the teen room
VanDyke Hangout
1st Saturday of the Month
We will join the VanDyke youth hangout at their building. They meet on the first Saturday of the month. We will be joining them on:
April 5th
May 11th
Breakfast Club
2nd Sunday of the month
Join us at 9:15am in Fellowship Hall for breakfast before bible class, the next breakfast is:
April 13th
May 11th
Pizza & Movie
April 25th @ 7pm
Come enjoy some pizza and a movie with us in the teen room.
Cedar Point
May 24th
Have some with us on a day trip to Cedar Point.
Service Project
June 7th
Service project to be determined
Meet in the teen room
Summer Fun Day
June 29th
Meet after worship across the street,