Leaders and Staff


Peter Morphy


Peter came to work with Royal Oak in the spring of 2007, having previously served churches in Knoxville, TN and Mesa, AZ. Originally from Niagara Falls, Ontario, he went to Great Lakes Bible College and also served in churches in Toronto. Peter married Judy in 1988 and they have 3 adult children.

Shawn Martin

Youth Minister

Shawn has been serving our youth and families for several years. He is married to Cherie and they have 4 children and currently foster 3 others.

Karen Thomas


Karen has worked as the office administrator for 20 years and does many tasks in the building and for our people. She is married to one of our deacons, Greg, and they have 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren.


Ron Hayostek

Don Jamison

  • The Royal Oak family has shepherds who have been given the task of overseeing the growth, maturity, and direction of this family in accordance with the will of God (1 Peter 5:1-4; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).  These men devote much time to prayer, visitation, and spiritual counseling. They shepherd God's flock that is under their care, serving as overseers as willing servants and examples for us to follow (1 Peter 5:2-4). They truly serve as those who "warn those who are idle, helping those who are weak, and patient with everyone."  (1 Thessalonians 5:14)

         Our responsibly to them is to respect them for their hard work because they are over us in the Lord and they admonish us (1 Thessalonians 5:12). We are taught to obey our leaders and submit to their authority because they keep watch over us as men who must give an account. We obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to any of us (Hebrews 13:17). In addition, we hold them in the highest regard because of their work (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). We also remember our leaders, who spoke the word of God to us, considering the outcome of their way of life and imitating their faith (Hebrews 13-7).


Dave Bem


Phil Decker

Youth Worship

Jerry DeVries

Widows / Seniors

Alex Litrichin

Building & Grounds

Jim Mainero


Ken Shepard

HVAC, Parking Lot,
Roof, Harmony

Greg Thomas


  •    The Royal Oak body is served by deacons, who plan, organize, delegate, and implement projects and programs which encourage and promote spiritual, emotional, and relational growth in God's Family, the community, and the world. We meet regularly to pray for our congregation, grow in leadership qualities, increase effectiveness and develop strategic plans for growth in the body.

         Someone once compared many large organizations to a football game where there are thousands of spectators in the bleachers who are in desperate need of exercise, while there are a few exhausted athletes on the field in desperate need of rest. This may describe many churches, but this is neither God's plan nor our desire. We want everyone to be involved so that everyone will grow.

         Often it is the one serving or sacrificing that receives the greatest blessing. Some opportunities are physical work while other service meets mental or emotional needs. Some jobs are for the extravert while others are geared for the introverted. Some teach, others encourage; some write, others call, some use a computer, others a screwdriver. Some serve our members while others focus on our community. There is an abundant opportunity for all to be involved.

         Our deacons and ministry leaders are aided, helped, encouraged by their families and other members of the body who assist them in their ministry. We want these ministries to involve and include as many people in God's service as possible. In fact, our goal is to have every member involved in some ministry that serves the Kingdom of God. Currently we have a vision plan in place to guide us toward seeing this goal become a reality. A large congregation requires a lot of organization, planning and coordination so that we can function together in harmony and growth will continue to naturally occur.