Mens Ministry

We meet together for breakfast, a devo, fellowship, and to discuss upcoming projects we can be involved in. Date for our next prayer breakfast TBD.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

We work together to support the work of the church and those in need. A recent project was a storage shed for MCYC.

Service Projects

We get together monthly on the third Thursday morning to eat breakfast and then head to church for a few hours do odd jobs in and around the building.

Men (e)at Work

The speaker for Man Camp 2025 is Travis Bookout who is the preaching minister for Maryville church of Christ in Maryville, TN. As in past years we plan to enjoy good food, fellowship, outdoor activities, and devotionals.

Man camp, May 2-4

A group of us went White Water rafting in West Virginia last summer. We had a good trip, attended a small church in Georgia, survived the rapids, and did some hiking. We are planning on another group event this summer, information will be posted after plans are made.

Guys Weekend